Yachting and Fishing

Weather Routing's New Client Signup Form

With WRI's TROPICAL surveillance program, you will receive a daily summary of what is going on, tropically, in whatever ocean basin you are located in, if in hurricane season, as well as any potential areas of concern for development through the next 7 days. In addition, if there was potential for the vessel to be threatened by a system within the next 5 days you would receive a separate 'alert' email to make you aware of that possibility.

WRI will often create tropical LOWS ahead of government agencies, so that clients will have an advanced notice of where we expect development to take place, as well as the forecast track/intensity of the expected CYCLONE.

TROPICAL surveillance is complimentary to clients who are actively using our customized forecast/routing services and for 2 weeks after arrival. This service also included as a part of our online service SeaWeather (www.seaweather.net, there is a link for a breakdown of the subscription levels under 'subscriptions' near the top right of the page), so subscribers to SeaWeather get continuous TROPICAL surveillance.

WRI provides instant severe weather alerts to inform our clients of potential weather hazards (gale warnings, small craft advisories, tornados/waterspouts, etc). These alerts are provided to both current and recent (within two weeks) users of our routing and forecast services, and can be e-mailed, or sent as a text message to your mobile phone. For those getting text messages for these alerts, we need your phone number and the name of your mobile provider. For e-mails, all we need is your e-mail address. These are complimentary and there is no charge for heavy weather alerts, and you can ask to start/stop them at any time.

Synoptic maps provided by Weather Routing show your vessel's expected position with predicted wind and wave maps. This is an animated GIF, usually consisting of 5 time periods in the future, but can be sent as individual frames if requested. These maps help you plan for upcoming weather and provide a visual depiction of the upcoming weather situation. Maps are just $10 extra per forecast.

New Client Signup Form

If you would like to set up an account with Weather Routing, please fill out the sign up form below. One of our meteorologists will then be in contact with you shortly.

If you are an existing client and wish to request services, or want to learn more about our services, please call 518-798-1110 or email us at wri@wriwx.com.

If you do not receive a timely response, please check your spam folder or call us at 518-798-1110, Extension 1.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Billing Information
*Street Address 1:
*Postal Zip Code:
Billing Email Address:
Credit Card Information
*Credit Card Type: Visa
American Express
Secured Website
*Credit Card Number:
*Name on Card:
*Expiration Date:
*Preferred Billing Method: Credit Card
Vessel Information
*Vessel Name:
*MMSI Number: If no MMSI#, please enter "none"
*Captains Name:
*Vessel Type:
*Vessel LOA (in mtrs):
*Vessel BOA (in mtrs):
*Do You Tow A Tender: Yes No Sometimes
*Weather Constraints: This will help us recommend routes accordingly depending on your vessel constraints (i.e. maximum wind/sea conditions you feel COMFORTABLE going into, etc)
Communication Information
Please provide all communications that are on-board your vessel
*Email Address:
Satellite Phone/Voip #:
Direct Line:
Other Comm 1:
Other Comm 2:
Other Information
Itinerary Notification: (Current Location, Departure Time, Next Destination, When to receive first forecast or when we should expect your first call, intended sog, if multiple hops will they be fuel/go or overnight, any deadlines, towing a tender, any flexibility in departure time, guests onboard, etc)
*Tropical Surveillance: Yes No
*Heavy Weather Alerts: Yes No
*Maps With Forecast: Yes No
*WRI charges per Forecast: I Acknowledge WRI charges per forecast
*I acknowledge that WRI customized forecasts are not included within the 15 day trial of SeaWeather or SeaWeather subscription:

*I acknowledge that WRI Weather Window Planner charge is $65 per report:

*Referred By:

WRI offers special discount forecast packages for those embarking on trans-ocean crossings, and offshore voyages for sailing yachts. Contact us for further details

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